for Therapists

Individual & Group Consultation / Supervision

Individual consultation/supervision is offered.  As an AHPRA approved supervisor I also provide primary and secondary supervision to those in the Clinical Registrar program and other mental health professionals.   In addition I provide group consultations structured to meet your needs.   See  below for what is on offer. 

Consultation/supervision is a process that aims to support the development of your therapy skills, confidence and knowledge while working with clients.  My particular models of interest besides clinical psychology are CBT, Narrative Therapy, ACT, Schema, Internal Family Systems, Chairwork and EMDR therapy.  Individual consultation sessions will count towards your EMDR accredited practitioner or IFS accreditation hours.

This collaborative and supportive consultation / supervision process is a private confidential space designed to help you the therapist refine your body of skills and deepen your understanding of various models, case formulation and treatment planning. 

The ultimate goal of individual consultation/supervision is to promote your professional growth and ongoing development by offering guidance tailored to your unique challenges and needs.

Group programs provided offer a rich interactive environment where all the therapists can share their experiences and learnings.  It is a hub of expertise sharing. 

Please register your interest by submitting the  form below.


SIX 2-hour IFS CONSULTATION GROUP SESSIONS covering case consultation and deepening your IFS understanding for yourself and your clients.  The Focus will be working on the Competencies required to become a Certified IFS therapist.  Join me as we spend time together enhancing our curiosity and connection with ourselves and our clients. 


Dates for the next 6 sessions.      

Group Starts at 10.00 – 12.00 Queensland Time:

04.10.2024 FRIDAY

08.11.2024 FRIDAY

06.12.2024 FRIDAY

10.01.2025 FRIDAY

07.02.2025 FRIDAY

07.03.2025 FRIDAY


  • Whether you have applied to certify as a IFS therapist or not you can join me as deepening your skills and starting to address the required COMPETENCIES. 
  • Deepen your own understanding of your system.
  • Gather ideas for dealing with stuck moments.
  • Map and track your clients system.
  • Track where you are at in the healing process with your client.
  • Enhance understanding of polarisations and direct access. 


For MORE INFORMATIONSIX 2-hour IFS CONSULTATION GROUP SESSIONS covering case consultation and deepening your IFS understanding for yourself and your clients.  The Focus will be deepening your INTRODUCTORY work.   Join me as we spend time together enhancing our curiosity and connection with ourselves and our clients. 


Dates for the next 6 sessions.      

Group Starts at 10.00 – 12.00 Queensland Time:

02.10.2024 WEDNESDAY

06.11.2024 WEDNESDAY

04.12.2024 WEDNESDAY

08.01.2025 WEDNESDAY

05.02.2025 WEDNESDAY

05.03.2025 WEDNESDAY

CONSULTATIONS FOR THOSE that are IFS informed and not yet completed your Level 1 training 

  • in the group you learn from each other and gain more experience using the iFS Model.  
  • Deepen your own understanding of your system.
  • Gather ideas for dealing with stuck moments.
  • Map and track your clients system.
  • Track where you are at in the healing process with your client.
  • Enhance understanding of polarisations and direct access. 

Online Introductory TRAINING in the Internal Family Systems (IFS) MODEL. .

On-line six 2-hour IFS STRUCTURED INTRODUCTORY TRAINING supported by four hours of IFS THEORY on video.  Maximum of 10 participants.  See feedback from the previous webinar series below in word cloud. 

EVERY SECOND WEEK, two hour sessions.

  •  Click here for more information
  • Please note this is not the Level 1 Training but will give you a good grounding and structure to start using with your clients.
    • Dates for Understanding and Using IFS.
    • Start at 1.00pm
    • Finish at 3.00pm QUEENSLAND TIME
    • 18.12.2024

More about online IFS training

  • See here for MORE INFORMATION
  • 1.     Explore Parts Modelling Therapeutically: Discover the potential of utilising a parts model in therapeutic sessions with your clients.

    2.     Boost Confidence in Parts Conceptualisation: Develop the confidence to conceptualise your clients’ experiences through a parts perspective.

    3.     Collaborative Parts Mapping: Learn to collaboratively map out your client’s internal system of parts during sessions.

    4.     Systematic Process and Focused Questions: Acquire a systematic approach with focused questions to facilitate insight into the internal dynamics of the psyche.

    5.     Clarity on Core SELF: Attain clarity regarding the core SELF within the parts model.

    6.     Identify and Work with Protectors: Learn to identify and effectively work with Protectors, including managers and firefighters, as well as exiles.

    7.     Understanding Protector Resistance: Gain insights into why some Protectors resist relinquishing their roles, uncovering their underlying fears.

    8.     Blending and Unblending Mastery: Develop the skill of blending and unblending from different parts.

    9.     Addressing Protector Resistance: Acquire strategies to address situations when Protectors are reluctant to leave their designated roles. We will explore polarisation and direct access with parts. 

    10.  Steps in Unburdening Process: Explore and understand the steps involved in unburdening personal burdens.   Legacy burdens will also be discussed. 

    11.  Structured Session Format: Each 2-hour session will be dedicated to experiential activities and questions.

    12.  Session Structure:

      • 15 mins: Opening – Meditation
      • 30 mins: Check in and discussion
      • 5 mins: Break.
      • 60 mins: Experiential Exercises in Small Groups, applying theory.
      • 10 mins: Reflection and Closure.

    13.  Introductory training:  This introductory training  is not the official Level One training offered by the institute.  

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